The largest valve used in the construction of this vessel for the British Antarctic Survey, a DN800 electrically actuated Lloyds witness tested gate valve was supplied by LK Valves & Controls. This unique valve will be situated on the bottom of the ship’s hull and will be used by research staff to deploy the latest scientific instrumentation directly through the valve into the sea through the bottom of the ship’s hull.
3d modelling was employed and a rather large test rig.
The polar research vessel RRS Sir David Attenborough ship is 128 metres long, with a beam of 24 metres, her draught will be approximately 7 to 8 metres. Her cruising speed is 13 knots (24 km/h; 15 mph) with a range of 19,000 nautical miles at that speed and she will have the capacity to break through 1 metre thick ice at a speed of 3 knots. Accommodation will be provided for 30 crew and 60 research staff. The vessel is to be used for the purposes of carrying out research in the polar region.